Friday, September 21, 2012


My son has started Kindergarten.  I can't believe he is that old.  Now begins the next 13 years of what he will be doing.  He has taken to it like a champ.  One of the aids said he just owns the hallways.  I am glad to hear that he is so confident in a new environment.  He has a small class on a great teacher.  I hope that goes all the way through his school years.  One bad teacher can totally wreck the rest of school so it is great that he is off to a good start and seems interested in what is going on.  I can't believe how much he has learned already.  The other day he counted to 28 without missing a beat.  He only stopped because he was counting steps in the shop and the shop ended.  He loooooooooooves riding the bus.  The other day I was going to pick him up and he wanted to ride the bus home instead so I drove home and waited for him to get off the bus.  He just looks so big.  I do wish now that there was another little one on the way but at the same time I don't need that kind of anxiety in my life when I have just gotten to a point where I sleep through the night.  A much needed thing if I am to keep my sanity!

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