Monday, September 24, 2012

The stupid people we work with

I try to not get too down on the people that I work with because it becomes intollerable working with them.  But sometimes you just have to vent.  There is a woman who makes about twice as much as I do and the other day she was trying to get a document to me for me to put on letterhead.  First off she can't attach anything to an email, she didn't even know her computer had an on/off switch, get the idea.  I don't know why this set me off the other day but really come on.  I asked if she could attach the document that she had typed to an email, from Microsoft Word, and she kept talking about scanning it.  I said that isn't going to work, at least not as well.  She has it right in her computer just send me the f-ing document.  Then she says well I only have the second page not the first.  How the f- can you not have the first page.  Then I asked her if she opened a session and typed the first page and opened a second to type the second.  Like she didn't know that she could just keep going.  I about lost it and told her that she really needed to take a computer class.  I realize that she is up there and I do feel there is a point you are around more for your historical knowledge then being able to keep up, but really you have to at least attempt to keep up.

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