Monday, September 24, 2012

The stupid people we work with

I try to not get too down on the people that I work with because it becomes intollerable working with them.  But sometimes you just have to vent.  There is a woman who makes about twice as much as I do and the other day she was trying to get a document to me for me to put on letterhead.  First off she can't attach anything to an email, she didn't even know her computer had an on/off switch, get the idea.  I don't know why this set me off the other day but really come on.  I asked if she could attach the document that she had typed to an email, from Microsoft Word, and she kept talking about scanning it.  I said that isn't going to work, at least not as well.  She has it right in her computer just send me the f-ing document.  Then she says well I only have the second page not the first.  How the f- can you not have the first page.  Then I asked her if she opened a session and typed the first page and opened a second to type the second.  Like she didn't know that she could just keep going.  I about lost it and told her that she really needed to take a computer class.  I realize that she is up there and I do feel there is a point you are around more for your historical knowledge then being able to keep up, but really you have to at least attempt to keep up.

Friday, September 21, 2012


My son has started Kindergarten.  I can't believe he is that old.  Now begins the next 13 years of what he will be doing.  He has taken to it like a champ.  One of the aids said he just owns the hallways.  I am glad to hear that he is so confident in a new environment.  He has a small class on a great teacher.  I hope that goes all the way through his school years.  One bad teacher can totally wreck the rest of school so it is great that he is off to a good start and seems interested in what is going on.  I can't believe how much he has learned already.  The other day he counted to 28 without missing a beat.  He only stopped because he was counting steps in the shop and the shop ended.  He loooooooooooves riding the bus.  The other day I was going to pick him up and he wanted to ride the bus home instead so I drove home and waited for him to get off the bus.  He just looks so big.  I do wish now that there was another little one on the way but at the same time I don't need that kind of anxiety in my life when I have just gotten to a point where I sleep through the night.  A much needed thing if I am to keep my sanity!