My apologize for not writing for a while. The computer has been unplugged due to the desk being moved and the house under construction, and I can't really do any blog writing at work. I wonder if they have an app for it :)
Life is going well, I am liking my new position at the hotel. My crew is doing well and it gives me a good feeling when I walk away at the end of the week and for the first time in a couple years, I am able to walk away and not feel bad or worried or like I am going to get a phone call ten minutes after walking out the door. I work four, ten hour days and sometimes Sunday's. I have not been going in the last couple Sunday's and today I asked my immediate supervisor it that was OK? She said it was, I pointed out that my last review, which was given to me by a jaded boss, stated that my fifty five hours a week was not enough and I wasn't dedicated. Although this was not true, I wanted to make sure that my new supervisor was fine with my performance. And, from what I know, she is.
Anyways, tis the season for fishing on the river and I have a wonderful boyfriend that gets my ass off of the couch and out into the woods. It makes me realize just how out of shape I am. He will sometimes ask my why I am all "huffy puffy" and I tell him I'm not, I'm just trying to breath. I need to start walking the dogs more and making sure I go up at least one hill with them each time. How pathetic!
My honey just turned 30, now he knows what I went through six months ago and coming to terms with it all. I did have a small meltdown at his birthday and called my dad, I don't know if he could tell, but I was crying. I was standing outside of the restaurant and asked dad if he planned on kids or if it just happened. I don't know if you know, by my clock is ticking. So, dad explained that him and Mom got married and she stayed on birth control for a couple of years and then they decided to have her stop taking it and let nature take its course, and then Dad asked me if I was pregnant. I assured him I was not and then just flat out told him that I was thirty and without kids. BOOM, instant tears. Like I said though, I don't know if dad could tell. I have thought a lot about it since but I know that I need to be in a different place in my life to be even remotely ready to have children. But, it is still on my mind. All of my siblings had their first child when they were either turning thirty or when they were thirty and now they are all married. I guess I am just a little behind the trend. Oh well.
But, enough of my rambling. I love you sis and make sure to give the little ones big hugs from me. PS K keeps asking when my nephew gets to come for a visit, she had a blast when she came to town with me :)
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